Why are you not making progress?
Do you ever wonder why nothing seems to work? Take a look at this list,
and see if you are doing any of the items on it—but still have that fat
belly or those fat thighs:
- Skipping breakfast (or lunch, or dinner).
- Eating salads.
- Being on special diets.
- Doing Pilates.
- Working out.
- Doing sit-ups.
- Using the treadmill, stair-stepper, etc.
- Running.
- Taking diet pills.
- Eating protein shakes.
- Having a low carb diet.
- Having a low fat diet.
- Denial.
Let’s take a look at each of these, then talk about what you need to
do to have those great legs, nice butt, or great abs.
- Skipping breakfast (or lunch, or dinner). This fails for several
reasons. First, millions of people have proven that eating six meals a
day, not two, induces fat loss. Folks who skip breakfast signal their
bodies to conserve calories that they later consume anyhow! You end up
losing muscle due to catabolic action from the extended fast, and you
then add fat later in the day. If you want to be fatter, just keep
skipping breakfast.
- Eating salads. Most folks consider a "salad" to be iceberg lettuce and a tomato. This isn't nutritious. Make something low-calorie and nutrient-dense, by using bok choy leaves instead of lettuce. Add these raw ingredients for an anti-cancer, health-enhancing "miracle meal"--cubed egg plant, kale, onion, yellow squash slices, zucchini squash slices, broccoli, bell pepper. Quarter a couple of boiled (free range) eggs, and you have something worth eating. Make your own dressing with vinegar and olive oil.
- Being on special diets. These don't work, because the body isn't
designed to deal with them. Forget special diets. By the way, the diet
that gets most people too fat is a special diet--the sugar and
saturated fat diet. We'll look at the answer to this one, shortly.
- Doing Pilates. This, Tae-Bo, and other "breakthrough"
exercise programs fail on several counts. If you are extremely out of
shape, these can help. But, if you are serious about being in shape,
you must go beyond these. We'll look at how, later.
- Working out. What most people call a "work out" involves
unfocused activity. This activity often takes too long, tries to do
too much, and fails to stimulate muscle growth or fat burning. The
correct approach isn't rocket science, but it does require not doing
what most people do at the gym.
- Doing sit-ups. This exercise is a waste. It doesn't develop your
abs, and doesn't burn much fat. It takes about 3,500 sit-ups to burn a
pound of fat.
- Using the treadmill, stair-stepper, etc. Think of sit-ups. Cardio is
helpful, but it is not the cure-all.
- Running. Take a look at long-distance runners. They may look
"thin," but they typically have fat/lean tissue ratios that
are much higher than ideal--partly because they sacrifice lean tissue.
They also have high cortisol levels, which means their "health
activity" poisons them."
- Taking diet pills. This is not a sustainable strategy. Diet pills
can help you jump-start things or get past a plateau. But, they do not
make up for poor eating habits or excessive calorie consumption.
- Eating protein shakes. You can get quality protein through quality
protein shakes. Eating more protein, however, won't help you unless
you have a protein deficiency. Eating a protein-rich meal replacement
(powder form, typically) as one to three of your six daily meals is a
great low calorie way to nourish yourself. But, don't get the mistaken
idea that adding chicken, steak, or protein shakes to what you already
eat will make you slim. It won't.
- Having a low carb diet. You need carbohydrates to burn fat. The
trick is to eat enough carbohydrates, to eat them at the right time,
and to eat the right kind. Carbohydrates do not make you fat, and they
are not bad. Abusing carbohydrates can make you fat and is bad.
- Having a low fat diet. You need fat to burn fat. You need fat to be
healthy. The trick is to eat the right kinds of fats.
- Denial. This is the most common way of dealing with being out of
shape. Saying you are "doing everything right, but can't
understand it" or "this must be in my genes" is denial.
You can choose between making dishonest excuses or getting results. I
know a Physician's Assistant who counseled a 430 lb woman. From what
this woman said she was doing, she should be at her ideal weight. The
reality is she is doing things to make herself fat but wants a magic
pill to make up for her own errors. That doesn't work. Are you doing
something similar?
What works
To keep you from reading an extremely long article, I will only
summarize here. You can view more detailed "how to" articles by
choosing them from the menu at left.
Below is the basic strategy. To get results, you must score 100%--close
doesn't count.
- Eat small portions. This is where most people mess up. They simply
eat too much. Take care of this, and you have solved 30% of the
- Eat the right foods. This is another 30%.
- Supplement. Understanding what supplements to take (you do not need
to spend a fortune) and when can give you a decided edge. This is
worth 20% of the battle.
- Exercise properly. This doesn't mean exercise fanatically. It means
understanding what you are doing with each exercise and working toward
specific goals. If you don't have a map and don't follow it, you will
just stay lost. This is 15% of the battle.
- Rest. Muscles need time to recover. Failure to respect this results
in excess cortisol, which means less muscle and more fat.
The articles in the menu at left explain things in more detail. The
supplements we provide at such low prices are ones that work. You can find
cheaper brands. But, I am interested only in making sure that when you
spend your money with SuppleCity that you get results that justify
spending that money in the first place.
If I can answer any questions for you, please contact me at webmaster @
supplecity.com. My name is Mark.
Here's another site with similar advice: http://www.building-muscle101.com/weight-lifting-tips.html